Saturday 26 April 2008

If Hillary Clinton Wins Dem Nomination, Will Pete Wentz, Will.I.Am And Other Vocal Barack Obama Supporters Be Onboard?

If Hillary Clinton Wins Dem Nomination, Will Pete Wentz, Will.I.Am And Other Vocal Barack Obama Supporters Be Onboard?

Senator Barack Obama has videos by Will.I.Am, limited edition T-shirts from Fall Out Boy's Pete Wentz and military campaign posters by one of the hottest artists around, Shepard Fairey.

One thing he doesn't have yet, however, is the Democratic nomination. He's still scrap Senator Sir Edmund Percival Hillary Bill Clinton for that. While Clinton is behind in the backwash, she's still in the running. If she gets the nomination, wholly of those artists wHO have supported Obama — not to mention regular voters — will have to decide whether to follow the Democratic Party tune or desert send.

"I can't speculate on what would happen at that time," said hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons, wHO is putting out a mixtape for Obama with DJ Green River Lantern. "Simply it is very important to me that Trick McCain, wHO is not as badly as his predecessor, but I can't suppose for for certain what he mightiness do, he power blow the reality up!" (We're specialists in Russell-ese hither at MTV News, so we're fairly surely he's expression it's important that McCain does non catch into the White House.)

Pete Wentz went the oh-so emo route and posted or so lyrics on his web log about what he would do. "I quoted that MGMT vocal where they were like, 'Let's act to France and do drugs,' merely that's likely Non what I would do," the Fall Come out Boy bassist wrote. If Sir Edmund Hillary does get the nominating speech, Wentz will be taking a finisher seem earlier he decides to support her.

"If it is superdelegates, hoi polloi are leaving to call bullsh-- on it. If she steals delegates, people ar going to call bullsh-- on it," he said. "I think I'm always departure to vote my conscience, or whatever, when it comes bolt down to it."

The music industry does have just about more dyed-in-the-wool Democrats, including Roots mastermind ?uestlove.

"I'll vote for Sir Edmund Hillary. And I tell that without any reservation — even though I am talk very easy," he said. "I'm a Democrat."

For at present, ?uest and or so of his fellow bandmates are donating a set of time to the Obama military campaign. "We are middling much at their disposal right instantly," he said. "I know that in that respect is a concert planned. I know that Stevie Marvel and Herbie John Hancock ar confirmed." Details for that shew are still beingness hammered out.

Non wholly of ?uest's bandmates portion his confidence, or exuberance, in the Democratic Party. Black Thought thinks there ar a lot of Obama supporters wHO volition just stay home base in November if Hilary Rodham Clinton is on the ticket.

"Peradventure more Americans are able to identify with Obama than Edmund Hillary. He's multiracial, he's lived the immigrant know," he said. "This is the first time a lot of people make still matt-up it was important to vote, and that is solely because of the hope they dumbfound from Barack Obama. So if he didn't win, I don't think it would be important for a lot of people."

One in six-spot Obama supporters said they would ride out home in Nov if Hillary Hilary Clinton is the Democratic Political party nominee, according to a CNN/ Opinion Research poll released March 27. The

Agent Steel